Start with our “no cost” software, easily upgradeable to a full Electronic Medical Record System (EMR) by simply adding any or all of the available modules as your needs demand and your budget allows.
EASyMEDIX™ can increase productivity and improve medication safety with the first modular, state of the art, dispensing software.
EASyMEDIX™ provides point-of-care dispensing automation for Pharmedix® prepackaged medications.
EASyMEDIX™ 1 is replacing the Pharmedix® paper system. Pharmedix® customers will receive EASyMEDIX™ 1 at no cost and schedule their implementation at PyraMED Health Care and Pharmedix®, have partnered to minimize the financial barriers of practice automation by developing a tiered structure that allows health centers to start with a low cost path to a full EMR system.
There are 3 EASyMEDIX™ program packages. To see all the features of these packages, register at or call 1-800-486-1811 ext 20